I guess I actually can identify with the 'moving backwards'. That would make sense now that I think about it. My wages have decreased significantly. The work I'm doing is work I did for 11 years. And that was 7 years ago that I stopped doing this particular work. So, yes. I have moved backwards.
I did have the money. A lot of money. I wasted it. And I did not appreciate it. I was not thankful or grateful for it. I complained, and wished, and whined that it was not enough. So things got worse and worse & I lost it all. I have done much growing spiritually. I've gained knowledge along the way. I have learned to respect everything in the universe and on this planet. I am grateful everyday, for everything. I practice a life of gratitude. And my blessings increase. I recently applied to go back to the retirement center I worked at for 6 years. That too would be going backwards in life. But I want my income back that I deserve. At first I was very heart broken that I was turned down. But I quickly saw it was a blessing. And I am thankful that I tried, and was turned down. Because it got me on the road back to wanting to work in a nursing facility again. I'm not bitter any longer about the things that happened at WRC. Everything happens for a reason. And the very next day I was thinking about calling a facility. And on my last client appointment I was handed a newspaper to read. I turned to the help wanted ads. And the very first help wanted ad was for the facility I had just been thinking of all day long! *giggles* YAY! They are looking for CNA's. AND giving sign on bonus's! I've never gotten a sign on bonus before. I will get this job! I will be happy! And more passion parties bookings will come to me, and I will grow my team and spread the word of passion and increase my consultants, helping the passion parties family grow!
Imbolc Blessings xo ~ WiccanMoon ~
sigtag by me :: graphics purchased at Vanilla Patch
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Bright Blessings,WiccanMoon )O(