Autumn is my favorite time of year. I feel a calmness in the air. The esbat for the month of September is the Harvest Moon & it is also a Wishing Moon. I am wanting to have a naming ritual for myself to claim my true magickal name that I was given through dream some months ago. I had thought that the Wishing Moon would be perfect. Autumn being my favorite season as well as the sign I was born under - Virgo. So my birthday being this month. Actually tomorrow. September 6th. I thought September would be perfect for my naming ceremony. But then a few days ago. I wasn't even thinking about anything even related to my practice. All of a sudden this big thought just jumped right into my head. That Samhain would be more meaningful. And so it will be.
Samhain pronounced - [ Sow-in ] [ Sahm-hayn ]
is the celtic new year. A time when the veil is the thinnest between the worlds. And a time of reverence. A time to remember those who have walked before us. Those who have sacrificed and paved the way. And to remember our own dead ancestors in both our own families as well as in the craft.
I've always felt that Samhain or Halloween as I used to call it is such a magickal day. I only just now am learning why I have had those feelings.
Here is a wonderful page on Samhain.
Thus far into my path I have celebrated each Sabbat starting with Beltane. I will probably make Beltane as my 'a year and a day'. Unless I can find the date that I signed up with Seasons in Avalon. According to my lessons I am 7 months into my classes through there. I started my path the ending of March. All of the rituals and feasts, activities I've done with each of my very 1st Sabbats have been so wonderful and meaningful. I have documented them all through photography and journaling.
For my birthday my daughter Nicole is sending me a Barnes & Noble gift card. I'm wanting so badly to get this wonderful book I've heard about by Ellen Dugan. - Autumn Equinox.

I have the feeling it will be one of my more treasured books.
I am blessed that my family is supportive of my path.
Well I'm off for my morning dedication & prayer. Well, today it will be more like an afternoon one.
I always feel so much better afterwards too. Its amazing. So full of energy. So awake and alert. And ready to
conquer whatever comes my way...
Blessed Be Isis )O(
signature crafted by me
outlines purchased at ALP
colored by me
Happy Birthday to you !!!!
Great books you've chosen.
I love Autumn too, the colours, the smells, the feel of this particular season.
Have a magical day.
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Bright Blessings,WiccanMoon )O(