May 15, 2011

WiccanMoon-Book of Shadows and Light

The beginning of my online witches diary started at:
But I was late on paying for my hosting subscription. And now its not visible. So, I decided maybe blog spot is the way to go instead. So, I'll just catch you up to speed.

My Wiccan journey started about a little over a month ago. I've always felt a pull towards it. There have been so many signs along the way, now that my eyes are open and I look back at my life.
I enrolled in Seasons in Avalon. Loved it immediately. I have purchased 6 books on wicca and magick so far. My life changed immediately it seems like. Once I made up my mind that this is the path I am suppose to be on. I've loved my studies and homework for S.I.A. And have now recently been accepted to The College of the Sacred Mists-An Online Wiccan College.

Sacred Mists is a truely phenomenal school! I love it there. So much information and training.

I've met a wonderful artist on facebook too. Her name is Sabrina TheInkWitch. She is an amazing artist. And I've decided to hire her to draw a tatoo for me. Actually add to my triquetra on the back of my neck. I am thinking of a besom, long stemmed rose and raven. Blended in with my triquetra.

I've been purchasing tools for my altar as well. And I got to participate in Beltane. That was wonderful!! I had a wonderful magickal day. I'll never forget it...

Signature created by me.
Graphics created by Dark Enchantments


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. I found this blog through my search engine,and just felt like I had to comment! Like you, I'm new in my journey,but have always felt a pull towards a Pagan way of life. Right now I'm just trying to get all the information I can, and enjoy the journey down this path. About 2 weeks ago, I applied at Seasons in Avalon, but have yet to hear anything from them. I'm so eager to learn, and also stumbled upon Sacred Mists and I'm really interested in that as well! Glad your experience there is going well. I was wondering if you are still a student with Seasons in Avalon? Also, I was wondering which school you prefer? Thank you for your time! Daniele

Unknown said...

Merry Meet ((((Daniele))))
I'm very happy to meet you and so glad that you posted to me hon. I absolutely looooove Sacred Mists. If I had to pick just 1 school, it would be that one. Although I am enrolled in Seasons in Avalon also. I do both of them. I am much much much more involved in Sacred Mists though.

I can not wait to get home from work every day to work on my studies with Sacred Mists. That school costs $25.00 a month. But I can tell you that it is very well worth the money.

At SIA it was explained to me that they were behind on getting back to potential students because the person in charge of that had been on vacation. Also, with my 2nd lesson I did not recieve it for some reason. When I asked about it she fwd'd it to me right away. I have no idea why I didnt get it to start with.

SIA is a very nice school too. I enjoy both of them. I have purchased a lot of books through SIA and enjoy reading those when I am not studying online.

I hope this reply reaches you Daniele. I would love to remain in touch with you and see you at Sacred Mists.

Sending much Love & Light your way,
WiccanMoon / Julie

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Bright Blessings,WiccanMoon )O(

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