May 25, 2011


My lil wish list of witchy things I am trying to make or purchase....

Chalice - This will most likely be of dyecast resin, have a dark ages look to it.

Candles - I am in need of all kinds of candles. I need small ritual candles the most.
I want to start collecting all different colors to have on hand.

Herbs - I am collecting all types of herbs. I am growing my own lavender. But trying to stock up my witches cupboard / apothecary...

Essential Oils - I am of course going to be making some of my own I hope. I don't have any essential oils yet at all. For an 'extended class' I'm taking at Sacred Mists I need the following oils to get started.
Marjoram, peppermint, eucalyptus, grapefruit, geranium, lemon, chamomile,
rosemary, tea tree, lavender, and bergamot.

Statuary - I am planning to buy several small altar statues. 1 feminine, 1 male, 1 mother goddess, some animal statuary I would like to get is an owl, cat, raven, & old oak and green man.

I'd like to find an inexpensive candle putter outter. *lol*
sea salts, and incense are always a great thing to get too.

I just ordered my 1st empty clear witch bottles.
I also need a dropper. I can probably pick that up at the store. *lol*


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Bright Blessings,WiccanMoon )O(

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