Oct 14, 2017

Imagine Dragons - Whatever It Takes (Audio)

As I sat drinking my morning smoothie. Today was mango and fresh spinach. I was checking in my Younique groups on facebook to see what is new this morning. And my Black Status Upline had posted a song that she listened to on her journey to Black Status to get herself pumped up. The whole story came from her son having a football game today and he has a playlist to get himself pumped up too. And she also did the same thing. This. Song.!!

I luv Imagine Dragons. My favorite song is Demons. But when this song started I was like eeehhh I don't think so. I wanted to close the tab out. But I hung in there. The chorus is where its at!!! Oh My Gosh!!! SO powerful!!! Uplifting! Powerful! Encouraging! WOW!!! So freaking glad I listened.


Anonymous said...

I hope everyone is doing well. I have some news to share today....In the next week I am moving to NOLA and hoping this new journey will put me back into the attitude that change is good. So much to do and not enough time to do it. I am so thankful for all of the wonderful people in my life (including Pedro Jerome) a loan lender that support me at all times I am excited and also worried my life has been such a downer for so long that getting out of it has been hard but I do really feel that this change is going to be the best thing I need right now and I have hopes that all good things do come to those that wait.
I'm thanking a loan lender who helped me with a loan of 1 millions dollars to boost up my business once again at the rate of 2% annual return which is so wonderful and I would like anyone stuck in financial situation to reach out on Pedro the loan lender on pedroloanss@gmail.com for a loan assistance.
So please keep me in your thoughts and thanks to this blog I can at least keep in contact with all of you.

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Bright Blessings,WiccanMoon )O(

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