Jul 1, 2014



I have never made my own insect repellent. I've never even used anything like that before. Because every living creature has a purpose. Right!?

But I have put too much hard work and love and caring into my plants for the grasshoppers to just come and eat them all up! My sunflowers are going down fast. And they have not even gotten to bloom yet. So, I searched on the internet of a 'natural' repellent. I found recipes containing garlic and onion and molasses. None of which I happened to have on hand that day. But for some reason I checked the ingredients of worchestire sauce. (thank you Goddess for that nudge) And worchestire sauce contains molasses, garlic, and onion!

 Worked like a charm!!! Try to eat my sunflowers! I do not think so!...


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Bright Blessings,WiccanMoon )O(

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