Ace of Wands! |
I am loving this prosperity exercise. I have not missed a single day yet. I always manage to find a dollar in change around the house to add to my prosperity jar. The cards that I'm drawing out seem to be so customized to me and what is going on with me. Amazing!
The Ace of Wands represents power, new beginnings, ambition, enthusiasm, passion and growth. It is the most potent and purest form of the masculine element of fire. This card shows a creative force that can not be contained. Revealing the creative and career path that I am on...
I feel like I have taken my life, my path back into my own hands. I am in control of my path! I have started back at Seasons in Avalon School of Witch Arts. Ordered new books to read, my rosemary essential oil and lavender essential oil is on its way to me! I feel happy with my magickal path. I've gone back to Pagan Space too. If your a member of this free community or would like to join, look me up - WiccanMoon.
I include magick in my life everyday and every way I possibly can. It's only a matter of time before my Passion Parties business takes flight and I will not have to be working in a nursing home anymore & can be my own boss!
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Bright Blessings,WiccanMoon )O(